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1Men's entrance to Heeley Swimming Baths, Broadfield Roada03323

Men's entrance to Heeley Swimming Baths, Broadfield Road

2Female entrance, Heeley Swimming Baths, Broadfield Roada03324

Female entrance, Heeley Swimming Baths, Broadfield Road

3Decoration on drainpipe at Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Greena03325

Decoration on drainpipe at Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Green

4Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Greena03326

Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Green

5Decoration on drainpipe at Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Greena03327

Decoration on drainpipe at Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Green

6Henry Adams Memorial Hall, Kent Road, built in 1895 and known as Kent Road Chapel in 1896, at the time of this photograph a children's playgroupa03328

Henry Adams Memorial Hall, Kent Road, built in 1895 and known as Kent Road Chapel in 1896, at the time of this photograph a children's playgroup

7Gleadless and District Conservative Club, Hollinsend Roada03329

Gleadless and District Conservative Club, Hollinsend Road

8Datestone on Gleadless and District Conservative Club, Hollinsend Roada03330

Datestone on Gleadless and District Conservative Club, Hollinsend Road

9Hollinsend Roada03331

Hollinsend Road

10Sundial on Gleadless United Reformed Church, Hollinsend Roada03332

Sundial on Gleadless United Reformed Church, Hollinsend Road

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