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1Stand for Sheffield City Archives and Local Studies Library at the Local History Faira06507

Stand for Sheffield City Archives and Local Studies Library at the Local History Fair

2Tim Knebel (left), archivist, with Councillor Leigh Bramall at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Streeta06508

Tim Knebel (left), archivist, with Councillor Leigh Bramall at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Street

3Filming for the BBC programme 'Panorama' at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Streeta06509

Filming for the BBC programme 'Panorama' at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Street

4Child using the microfilm readers at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Streeta06510

Child using the microfilm readers at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Street

5Looking at maps at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Streeta06511

Looking at maps at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Street

6Child looking at an illuminated manuscript at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Streeta06512

Child looking at an illuminated manuscript at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Street

7Children looking at a register at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Streeta06513

Children looking at a register at Sheffield City Archives, Shoreham Street

8Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Street a06515

Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Street

9Gleadless Methodist Church interior, 871 Gleadless Roada03316

Gleadless Methodist Church interior, 871 Gleadless Road

10Stained glass window at Gleadless Methodist Church, 871 Gleadless Roada03317

Stained glass window at Gleadless Methodist Church, 871 Gleadless Road

Found 8036 records.

Page of 804.