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1Entrance to Bradfield Brewery, Watt House Farm, Loxley Road, High Bradfielda08232

Entrance to Bradfield Brewery, Watt House Farm, Loxley Road, High Bradfield

2Bradfield Brewery, Watt House Farm, Loxley Road, High Bradfielda08233

Bradfield Brewery, Watt House Farm, Loxley Road, High Bradfield

3Bradfield Brewery, Watt House Farm, Loxley Road, High Bradfielda08234

Bradfield Brewery, Watt House Farm, Loxley Road, High Bradfield

4BrewSocial Brewery, Princess Street, Attercliffea08235

BrewSocial Brewery, Princess Street, Attercliffe

5BrewSocial Brewery, Princess Street, Attercliffea08236

BrewSocial Brewery, Princess Street, Attercliffe

6Inn sign for the Broadfield Hotel, No. 452 Abbeydale Roada08237

Inn sign for the Broadfield Hotel, No. 452 Abbeydale Road

7Broadfield Hotel, No. 452 Abbeydale Roada08238

Broadfield Hotel, No. 452 Abbeydale Road

8Chris West, Head of Operations at Keltbray, Louise Pavitt, Major Project Director at Keltbray, Lucia Lorente-Arnau, Principal Development Officer and Councillor Ben Miskell, on the site of Sheffield Castlea08187

Chris West, Head of Operations at Keltbray, Louise Pavitt, Major Project Director at Keltbray, Lucia Lorente-Arnau, Principal Development Officer and Councillor Ben Miskell, on the site of Sheffield Castle

9Three Tuns public house, No. 39 Silver Street Heada08429

Three Tuns public house, No. 39 Silver Street Head

10Derelict former premises of The Cocked Hat public house, Nos. 73 - 75 Worksop Road, Attercliffea08278

Derelict former premises of The Cocked Hat public house, Nos. 73 - 75 Worksop Road, Attercliffe

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