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1Vickers Son and Maxim, new offices in Brightside Lane, Sheffield - basement planarc07496

Vickers Son and Maxim, new offices in Brightside Lane, Sheffield - basement plan

2St. John's Methodist Church, Crookesmoor Road at the junction of Crookes Valley Roadt13308

St. John's Methodist Church, Crookesmoor Road at the junction of Crookes Valley Road

3Sheffield Training College [for Teachers], Collegiate Crescent, c.1908 - 1910t13309

Sheffield Training College [for Teachers], Collegiate Crescent, c.1908 - 1910

4Unidentified group at High Storrs Playing Fieldt13310

Unidentified group at High Storrs Playing Field

5Unidentified street possibly Sheffieldt13316

Unidentified street possibly Sheffield

6Parkhead House, Ecclesall Road South. Dining roomt13318

Parkhead House, Ecclesall Road South. Dining room

7Thomason's cafe, street name is possibly New Lorne (not Sheffield?)v05097

Thomason's cafe, street name is possibly New Lorne (not Sheffield?)

8Stevenson Bros., grocers, tea merchants and provision merchants, corn and flour stores, Nos. 125 - 127 Club Garden Roadv05106

Stevenson Bros., grocers, tea merchants and provision merchants, corn and flour stores, Nos. 125 - 127 Club Garden Road

9Unidentified soldiersv05107

Unidentified soldiers

10Unidentified woman with a bicyclev05109

Unidentified woman with a bicycle

Found 8281 records.

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