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1Pond Hill looking towards Sheaf Street showing (right) Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchange sypte00030

Pond Hill looking towards Sheaf Street showing (right) Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchange

2Travel Information Centre, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchangesypte00031

Travel Information Centre, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchange

3Platform D, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchangesypte00032

Platform D, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchange

4Welcome to Sheffield Interchange sign, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchangesypte00033

Welcome to Sheffield Interchange sign, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchange

5Entrance to Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchange / Archway Shopping Centre, Pond Street. South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE)sypte00034

Entrance to Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchange / Archway Shopping Centre, Pond Street. South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE)

6Platform E, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchangesypte00035

Platform E, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchange

7Platform D, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchangesypte00036

Platform D, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchange

8Archway Shopping Centre, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchangesypte00037

Archway Shopping Centre, Pond Street bus station, Sheffield [Transport] Interchange

9Adwick [Railway] Interchange, Church Lane, Adwick le Street, Doncastersypte00068

Adwick [Railway] Interchange, Church Lane, Adwick le Street, Doncaster

10Adwick [Railway] Interchange, Church Lane, Adwick le Street, Doncastersypte00069

Adwick [Railway] Interchange, Church Lane, Adwick le Street, Doncaster

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