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1Woodseats Picture Palace replica shop recreated by Peter Bolt in his Woodseats homev05212

Woodseats Picture Palace replica shop recreated by Peter Bolt in his Woodseats home

2Orchard Square Shopping Centrev04672

Orchard Square Shopping Centre

3Burger King fast food restaurant, 13, Haymarketv04678

Burger King fast food restaurant, 13, Haymarket

425, Haymarketv04679

25, Haymarket

59-12 East Paradev04686

9-12 East Parade

6The Royal Oak public house, 99 Eckington Road, Coal Aston, Derbyshiret13317

The Royal Oak public house, 99 Eckington Road, Coal Aston, Derbyshire

7Handsworth Sword Dancers at Woodhouse showing (centre) Woodhouse stockst13319

Handsworth Sword Dancers at Woodhouse showing (centre) Woodhouse stocks

8Probably Sheaf Market prior to demolitionv05135

Probably Sheaf Market prior to demolition

9Probably Sheaf Market prior to demolitionv05136

Probably Sheaf Market prior to demolition

10Page Hall Quick Clean (formerly Peel's Coliseum), washeteria, No. 25 Page Hall Roadt14125

Page Hall Quick Clean (formerly Peel's Coliseum), washeteria, No. 25 Page Hall Road

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