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1Drawing the Living War Memorial: Tree no 48 (Western Road)a07481

Drawing the Living War Memorial: Tree no 48 (Western Road)

2Mongomery Limes, Mongomery Road - watercolour sketcha07483

Mongomery Limes, Mongomery Road - watercolour sketch

3Drawing the Living War Memorial: Tree no 49 (Western Road)a07482

Drawing the Living War Memorial: Tree no 49 (Western Road)

4Tree Chipper - watercolour sketcha07484

Tree Chipper - watercolour sketch

5United Carpets, Barnsley Road, Parson Cross. Former premises of Capitol Cinemav05145

United Carpets, Barnsley Road, Parson Cross. Former premises of Capitol Cinema

6Somerfield Supermarket (formerly Manor Cinema and Bingo Hall and latterly Poundland, discount supermarket), No. 942 City Road, near the junction of Prince of Wales Road and Ridgeway Roadv05149

Somerfield Supermarket (formerly Manor Cinema and Bingo Hall and latterly Poundland, discount supermarket), No. 942 City Road, near the junction of Prince of Wales Road and Ridgeway Road

7Somerfield Supermarket (formerly Manor Cinema and Bingo Hall), No. 942 City Road, near the junction of Prince of Wales Road and Ridgeway Roadv05148

Somerfield Supermarket (formerly Manor Cinema and Bingo Hall), No. 942 City Road, near the junction of Prince of Wales Road and Ridgeway Road

8Shopping centre at the former Stocksbridge Picture Palace, Manchester Road, Stocksbridgev05147

Shopping centre at the former Stocksbridge Picture Palace, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge

9Cue Ball Snooker Club (former Chapeltown Picture Palace), No. 19 Station Road, Chapeltown v05146

Cue Ball Snooker Club (former Chapeltown Picture Palace), No. 19 Station Road, Chapeltown

10Somerfield Supermarket (formerly Manor Cinema and Bingo Hall and latterly Poundland, discount supermarket), No. 942 City Road, near the junction of Prince of Wales Road and Ridgeway Roadv05150

Somerfield Supermarket (formerly Manor Cinema and Bingo Hall and latterly Poundland, discount supermarket), No. 942 City Road, near the junction of Prince of Wales Road and Ridgeway Road

Found 9343 records.

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