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1Staff of the Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Streeta06547

Staff of the Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street

2Archives Assistant, Graeme Siddall, viewing a manuscript, Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Streeta06548

Archives Assistant, Graeme Siddall, viewing a manuscript, Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Street

3Using an online database, Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Streeta06549

Using an online database, Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Street

4Archives staff at the Sheffield Local History Faira06550

Archives staff at the Sheffield Local History Fair

5Michael Spick, librarian, Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Streeta06551

Michael Spick, librarian, Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street

6Libraries and Archives staff outside Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Streeta06553

Libraries and Archives staff outside Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Street

7Archivist Judith Phillips recusing archives at riska06554

Archivist Judith Phillips recusing archives at risk

8Briar Road, Nether Edge, Limey McLimeface: watercolour sketcha07478

Briar Road, Nether Edge, Limey McLimeface: watercolour sketch

9Chelsea Elm, Chelsea Road: watercolour sketcha07479

Chelsea Elm, Chelsea Road: watercolour sketch

10Meersbrook Park Road: watercolour sketcha07480

Meersbrook Park Road: watercolour sketch

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