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1Ruth Harman Senior Archivist (left) and Pete Evans (Archives and Local Studies Manager), Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Streeta06527

Ruth Harman Senior Archivist (left) and Pete Evans (Archives and Local Studies Manager), Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Street

2Archives and Local Studies staff, Local Studies Library, Central Librarya06528

Archives and Local Studies staff, Local Studies Library, Central Library

3Archives and Local Studies staff, Local Studies Library, Central Librarya06529

Archives and Local Studies staff, Local Studies Library, Central Library

4Archives and Local Studies staff at Owlerton Stadium, Penistone Road, c. 2010a06530

Archives and Local Studies staff at Owlerton Stadium, Penistone Road, c. 2010

5Archives and Local Studies staff at Owlerton Stadium, Penistone Road, c. 2010a06531

Archives and Local Studies staff at Owlerton Stadium, Penistone Road, c. 2010

6Libraries and Archives and Local Studies staff at Owlerton Stadium, Penistone Roada06532

Libraries and Archives and Local Studies staff at Owlerton Stadium, Penistone Road

7Lena Abdo, apprentice at Sheffield Archives and Conservation Department, No. 52 Shoreham Streeta06533

Lena Abdo, apprentice at Sheffield Archives and Conservation Department, No. 52 Shoreham Street

8Lena Abdo, apprentice at Sheffield Archives and Conservation Department, No. 52 Shoreham Streeta06534

Lena Abdo, apprentice at Sheffield Archives and Conservation Department, No. 52 Shoreham Street

9Tim Knebel, archivist at Sheffield Archives and Conservation Department, No. 52 Shoreham Streeta06535

Tim Knebel, archivist at Sheffield Archives and Conservation Department, No. 52 Shoreham Street

10Pete Evans, Archives and Heritage Manager (left) and Andrew Milroy, Picture Sheffield volunteer (right) at the Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Streeta06536

Pete Evans, Archives and Heritage Manager (left) and Andrew Milroy, Picture Sheffield volunteer (right) at the Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street

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