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1Microfilm readers, Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Street, c.2005a06517

Microfilm readers, Sheffield City Archives, No. 52 Shoreham Street, c.2005

2Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street a06518

Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street

3Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street a06519

Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street

4Microfilm room, Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street a06520

Microfilm room, Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street

5Local Studies Library catalogue drawers, Central Library, Surrey Street a06521

Local Studies Library catalogue drawers, Central Library, Surrey Street

6Local Studies Library staff, Central Library, Surrey Street a06522

Local Studies Library staff, Central Library, Surrey Street

7New computers, Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street a06523

New computers, Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street

8Archives and Local Studies staff at ten pin bowlinga06524

Archives and Local Studies staff at ten pin bowling

9Picture Sheffield computers in the Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Streeta06525

Picture Sheffield computers in the Local Studies Library, Central Library, Surrey Street

10Conservation Department staff, Sheffield City Archives, No. 54 Shoreham Streeta06526

Conservation Department staff, Sheffield City Archives, No. 54 Shoreham Street

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