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1Weighbridge at the former premises of John Watt Ltd, Lambert Works, Lambert Streeta03344

Weighbridge at the former premises of John Watt Ltd, Lambert Works, Lambert Street

2Former premises of John Watts Ltd, Lambert Works, Lambert Streeta03345

Former premises of John Watts Ltd, Lambert Works, Lambert Street

3The Harlequin Inn, junction of Stanley Street and Johnson Streett13267

The Harlequin Inn, junction of Stanley Street and Johnson Street

4The Harlequin Inn, junction of Stanley Street and Johnson Streett13268

The Harlequin Inn, junction of Stanley Street and Johnson Street

5Bar price list, The Harlequin Inn, junction of Stanley Street and Johnson Streett13269

Bar price list, The Harlequin Inn, junction of Stanley Street and Johnson Street

6The Harlequin Inn, junction of Stanley Street and Johnson Streett13270

The Harlequin Inn, junction of Stanley Street and Johnson Street

7Arundel Street showing (left) Cooper Building, Sheffield Science Park and (centre) Owen Building, Sheffield Hallam University c.2002 - 2003u12045

Arundel Street showing (left) Cooper Building, Sheffield Science Park and (centre) Owen Building, Sheffield Hallam University c.2002 - 2003

8Arundel Street at the junction with Charles Street showing (right) Butcher Works and Brown Lane c.2002 - 2003u12046

Arundel Street at the junction with Charles Street showing (right) Butcher Works and Brown Lane c.2002 - 2003

9Unidentified aerial view of semi detached housing in Sheffieldu12047

Unidentified aerial view of semi detached housing in Sheffield

10Entrance to ladies public lavatories, Town Hall, Pinstone Street, c.2000u12048

Entrance to ladies public lavatories, Town Hall, Pinstone Street, c.2000

Found 9343 records.

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