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1Meersbrook Park community pavilion, Meersbrook Park, Meersbrook Park Roada07708

Meersbrook Park community pavilion, Meersbrook Park, Meersbrook Park Road

2Peter Ward Engineering, junction of Sheaf Bank and Gleadless Road, Heeleya07709

Peter Ward Engineering, junction of Sheaf Bank and Gleadless Road, Heeley

3Railway bridge stonework, Cutlers Walka07712

Railway bridge stonework, Cutlers Walk

4Rear of H. Ponsford Ltd., furniture dealers, from Millennium Park, Wells Roada07713

Rear of H. Ponsford Ltd., furniture dealers, from Millennium Park, Wells Road

5Replicast Ltd., foundry, No. 7 East Bank Roada07715

Replicast Ltd., foundry, No. 7 East Bank Road

6Sheaf Bank Business Park from River Sheaf Walka07716

Sheaf Bank Business Park from River Sheaf Walk

7Sheaf Bank Business Park from River Sheaf Walk, looking upstreama07717

Sheaf Bank Business Park from River Sheaf Walk, looking upstream

8Junction of (foreground) Chesterfield Road and (right) Scarsdale Road showing (right) Defacto Solutions, software developers, No. 631 Chesterfield Roada07718

Junction of (foreground) Chesterfield Road and (right) Scarsdale Road showing (right) Defacto Solutions, software developers, No. 631 Chesterfield Road

9Sheaf Bank Business Park from River Sheaf Walka07719

Sheaf Bank Business Park from River Sheaf Walk

10Derelict shop, London Road, Heeley Bottoma07720

Derelict shop, London Road, Heeley Bottom

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