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1Meersbrook Park looking towards Brooklyn Roada07694

Meersbrook Park looking towards Brooklyn Road

2Snow on Meersbrook Park Roada07695

Snow on Meersbrook Park Road

3Auxilliary fire engine (known as the 'Green Goddesses') from the National Emergency Services Museum on display outside the Town Hall, Pinstone Streeta07696

Auxilliary fire engine (known as the 'Green Goddesses') from the National Emergency Services Museum on display outside the Town Hall, Pinstone Street

4New housing on Florence Road, Woodseatsa07697

New housing on Florence Road, Woodseats

5Construction of The Gate on corner of Furnival Square and (centre right) Eyre Street showing (right) the Jurys Inn Hotel (latterly the Leonardo Hotel), No. 119 Eyre Streeta07698

Construction of The Gate on corner of Furnival Square and (centre right) Eyre Street showing (right) the Jurys Inn Hotel (latterly the Leonardo Hotel), No. 119 Eyre Street

6New build on the corner of Furnival Gate and The Moora07699

New build on the corner of Furnival Gate and The Moor

7Construction of Co-operative Society supermarket, No. 229 Derbyshire Lanea07700

Construction of Co-operative Society supermarket, No. 229 Derbyshire Lane

8Construction of housing on junction of Olive Grove Road and East Bank Roada07701

Construction of housing on junction of Olive Grove Road and East Bank Road

9Construction of housing on East Bank Roada07702

Construction of housing on East Bank Road

10Offices on East Bank Roada07707

Offices on East Bank Road

Found 9380 records.

Page of 938.