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1Empty shops, London Road on Heeley Bottoma07655

Empty shops, London Road on Heeley Bottom

2Former farm house, Cowmouth Farm, Hemsworth Road as viewed from Graves Park a07656

Former farm house, Cowmouth Farm, Hemsworth Road as viewed from Graves Park

3Farm Road Sports and Social Cluba07657

Farm Road Sports and Social Club

4Mural by Faunagraphic, Arundel Streeta07658

Mural by Faunagraphic, Arundel Street

5Forge Bakehouse, bakery and cafe, No.302 Abbeydale Road, Sharrowa07659

Forge Bakehouse, bakery and cafe, No.302 Abbeydale Road, Sharrow

6Mural on Frederick Road at junction with (left) Abbeydale Roada07660

Mural on Frederick Road at junction with (left) Abbeydale Road

7St. Ives Drive on new Graves Fold housing developmenta07661

St. Ives Drive on new Graves Fold housing development

8Entrance footpath to Graves Park from Hemsworth Roada07662

Entrance footpath to Graves Park from Hemsworth Road

9Entrance gates to Graves Park from Hemsworth Road showing (right) Bolehill Lodgea07663

Entrance gates to Graves Park from Hemsworth Road showing (right) Bolehill Lodge

10Graves Park pavilion, off Hemsworth Roada07664

Graves Park pavilion, off Hemsworth Road

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