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1Chatfield Road, Woodseatsa07634

Chatfield Road, Woodseats

2Cherry Bank Road, Woodseatsa07635

Cherry Bank Road, Woodseats

3Cherry Bank Road, Woodseatsa07636

Cherry Bank Road, Woodseats

4Cherry Bank Road, Woodseatsa07637

Cherry Bank Road, Woodseats

5Cherry Tree Cottage, Cherry Bank Roada07638

Cherry Tree Cottage, Cherry Bank Road

6Furnival Gate showing (left) City House (back left) Redvers House and (back centre) AEU Housea07639

Furnival Gate showing (left) City House (back left) Redvers House and (back centre) AEU House

7Cobnar Road, Woodseatsa07640

Cobnar Road, Woodseats

8Junction of Arundel Gate and Furnival Square showing (left) AEU House and (right) Derwent Housea07641

Junction of Arundel Gate and Furnival Square showing (left) AEU House and (right) Derwent House

9Regent Streett14454

Regent Street

10Jessop Hospital for Women, St. George's Terrace at the junction with (left) Leavygreave Roadt14455

Jessop Hospital for Women, St. George's Terrace at the junction with (left) Leavygreave Road

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