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1Grange Cottage, No. 45 Grange Crescentt14148

Grange Cottage, No. 45 Grange Crescent

2Junction of (left) Lees Hall Road and (foreground) Carfield Avenuet14149

Junction of (left) Lees Hall Road and (foreground) Carfield Avenue

3Upper Albert Road at the junction with (left) Lees Hall Roadt14150

Upper Albert Road at the junction with (left) Lees Hall Road

4Kenwood Road at the junction with (right) Sharrow Viewt14151

Kenwood Road at the junction with (right) Sharrow View

5Ogden Place, ex military veterans accommodation, off Meadowheadt14152

Ogden Place, ex military veterans accommodation, off Meadowhead

6Holy Trinity Church, Grove Road, Millhousest14153

Holy Trinity Church, Grove Road, Millhouses

7Junction of (left) Rundle Road and (right) Kenwood Road showing (right) the entrance to Kenwood Hall Hotelt14154

Junction of (left) Rundle Road and (right) Kenwood Road showing (right) the entrance to Kenwood Hall Hotel

8Kenwood Park Road at the junction with (right) Rundle Roadt14155

Kenwood Park Road at the junction with (right) Rundle Road

9Meersbrook Roadt14156

Meersbrook Road

10Apple Car Hire, off Heeley Bridge, Lolndon Roadt14157

Apple Car Hire, off Heeley Bridge, Lolndon Road

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