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1Meersbrook Bowling Club, 180 Shirebrook Road, Heeleyt14117

Meersbrook Bowling Club, 180 Shirebrook Road, Heeley

2Kent Road, Heeleyt14118

Kent Road, Heeley

3Shops on Middlewood Road showing (l. to r.) J. D. Oates, television and radio dealers; No.269 J. D. Oates, grocers; No. 271 National Westminster Bank and A. and S. Webb, drapers, No. 1 Wadsley Lane t14119

Shops on Middlewood Road showing (l. to r.) J. D. Oates, television and radio dealers; No.269 J. D. Oates, grocers; No. 271 National Westminster Bank and A. and S. Webb, drapers, No. 1 Wadsley Lane

4Council offices, Mill Lee Road, Low Bradfield t14120

Council offices, Mill Lee Road, Low Bradfield

5Smithy Garage Motor Services Ltd., junction of Smithy Bridge Road and Lamb Hill, Low Bradfieldt14121

Smithy Garage Motor Services Ltd., junction of Smithy Bridge Road and Lamb Hill, Low Bradfield

6Wood Fall Lane, Low Bradfieldt14122

Wood Fall Lane, Low Bradfield

7Archaeological excavations, Sheffield Midland railway station forecourt, Sheaf Streett14123

Archaeological excavations, Sheffield Midland railway station forecourt, Sheaf Street

8Attercliffe Spiritualist Church, Bold Streett14124

Attercliffe Spiritualist Church, Bold Street

9Demolition of Norfolk School, Craddock Roadt14126

Demolition of Norfolk School, Craddock Road

10Edenhall Road, Arbouthorne from Craddock Roadt14127

Edenhall Road, Arbouthorne from Craddock Road

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