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1Shops at Heeley Bottom, London Road, 1970sph00349

Shops at Heeley Bottom, London Road, 1970s

2Shops at Heeley Bottom, London Road showing No. 510 The Carpet Shop and No. 502 W. Yeomans (Chesterfield) Ltd., clothing storeph00350

Shops at Heeley Bottom, London Road showing No. 510 The Carpet Shop and No. 502 W. Yeomans (Chesterfield) Ltd., clothing store

3Shops at Heeley Bottom showing Heeley Potato Centre, No. 487 London Road, 1970sph00351

Shops at Heeley Bottom showing Heeley Potato Centre, No. 487 London Road, 1970s

4Shops on London Road showing No. 281a Greeting Card Corner, tobacconists and No. 283 Four Ace's Continental Foods Ltd., 1970sph00352

Shops on London Road showing No. 281a Greeting Card Corner, tobacconists and No. 283 Four Ace's Continental Foods Ltd., 1970s

5Unidentified bakers shop probably on London Road, Heeley, 1970sph00353

Unidentified bakers shop probably on London Road, Heeley, 1970s

6Shops on London Road showing (r. to l.) No. 446 Bodsworth Bros. Ltd., decorators merchants, No. 448 Ian Ashmore, butchers and No. 450 Apollo Domestic Services and (left) No. 451 Fine Fare, supermarket, 1970sph00354

Shops on London Road showing (r. to l.) No. 446 Bodsworth Bros. Ltd., decorators merchants, No. 448 Ian Ashmore, butchers and No. 450 Apollo Domestic Services and (left) No. 451 Fine Fare, supermarket, 1970s

7Junction of London Road and (right) Wolseley Road showing (centre) No. 446 Bodsworth Bros. Ltd., decorators merchants and No. 444 J. and H. Hewins Ltd., floor contractors, 1970s        ph00356

Junction of London Road and (right) Wolseley Road showing (centre) No. 446 Bodsworth Bros. Ltd., decorators merchants and No. 444 J. and H. Hewins Ltd., floor contractors, 1970s

8Junction of London Road and (right) Queens Road showing (centre) Lowfield Primary School, 1970sph00355

Junction of London Road and (right) Queens Road showing (centre) Lowfield Primary School, 1970s

9Shops on London Road at the junction with (left) Queens Road showing (l. to r.) No. 415 G. H. Howe, butchers, No. 417 Greetings card shop and No. 421 Yorkshire Bank Ltd.,1970s                          ph00357

Shops on London Road at the junction with (left) Queens Road showing (l. to r.) No. 415 G. H. Howe, butchers, No. 417 Greetings card shop and No. 421 Yorkshire Bank Ltd.,1970s

10Lowfield Primary School, junction of London Road and Queens Roadph00358

Lowfield Primary School, junction of London Road and Queens Road

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