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1Plan of the manor of Hoyland, the property of the Marquis of Rockingham, [1771]arc04374

Plan of the manor of Hoyland, the property of the Marquis of Rockingham, [1771]

2Draft award map for Hoyland, [1794]arc04375

Draft award map for Hoyland, [1794]

3Town Fields allotments [at] Hoyland, [1795]arc04376

Town Fields allotments [at] Hoyland, [1795]

4Hoyland Green, Ranch Croft, and Back Green allotments, [1794 - 1795]arc04377

Hoyland Green, Ranch Croft, and Back Green allotments, [1794 - 1795]

5A map of Ulley Bank and Cobcar Green allotments at Hoylandarc04378

A map of Ulley Bank and Cobcar Green allotments at Hoyland

6Hoyland Green, Ranch Croft and Back Green, copy of the award, [1797]arc04379

Hoyland Green, Ranch Croft and Back Green, copy of the award, [1797]

7A map of Ulley Bank and Cobcar Green, [1797]arc04380

A map of Ulley Bank and Cobcar Green, [1797]

8Plan of Wentworth, Scholes and Thorp [Thorpe Hesley adjoining Hesley Park], [1778] (part 1 of 4)arc04382

Plan of Wentworth, Scholes and Thorp [Thorpe Hesley adjoining Hesley Park], [1778] (part 1 of 4)

9Plan of the township of Swinton, part in the parish of Wath and part in the parish of Mexborough, of which the Marquis of Rockingham is the sole proprietor, [1775]arc04381

Plan of the township of Swinton, part in the parish of Wath and part in the parish of Mexborough, of which the Marquis of Rockingham is the sole proprietor, [1775]

10Plan of Wentworth, Scholes and Thorp [Thorpe Hesley adjoining Hesley Park], [1778] (part 2 of 4)arc04383

Plan of Wentworth, Scholes and Thorp [Thorpe Hesley adjoining Hesley Park], [1778] (part 2 of 4)

Found 12875 records.

Page of 1288.