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1Part of the Duke of Norfolk's lands near Wickersley Common, Whiston, [1794]arc04406

Part of the Duke of Norfolk's lands near Wickersley Common, Whiston, [1794]

2Part of the Duke of Norfolk's lands at Whiston, [1794]arc04407

Part of the Duke of Norfolk's lands at Whiston, [1794]

3Part of the Duke of Norfolk's lands at Whiston, [1794]arc04408

Part of the Duke of Norfolk's lands at Whiston, [1794]

4Canklow Wood and adjoining land, Rotherhamarc04409

Canklow Wood and adjoining land, Rotherham

5Particulars of the widow Catherine Whitehead’s farm held of Francis Sitwell at Whiston, [1777]arc04410

Particulars of the widow Catherine Whitehead’s farm held of Francis Sitwell at Whiston, [1777]

6Second part of Catherine Whitehead’s farm held of Francis Sitwell, at Whiston, [1777]arc04411

Second part of Catherine Whitehead’s farm held of Francis Sitwell, at Whiston, [1777]

7Robert Wilson's map of Loxley, early 18th centarc04414

Robert Wilson's map of Loxley, early 18th cent

8Plans endorsed Holdworth and Loxley allotments, no. 2 [at Holdworth, on Kirk Edge Road, and beside Long Lane], [1785]arc04415

Plans endorsed Holdworth and Loxley allotments, no. 2 [at Holdworth, on Kirk Edge Road, and beside Long Lane], [1785]

9The East End, and Chancel part of the Old Church at Sheffield, which belongs to his Grace the Duke of Norfolk [St Marie's Roman Catholic Church?]arc04433

The East End, and Chancel part of the Old Church at Sheffield, which belongs to his Grace the Duke of Norfolk [St Marie's Roman Catholic Church?]

10Rev. James Wilkinson (1763 - ), JPu12642

Rev. James Wilkinson (1763 - ), JP

Found 12857 records.

Page of 1286.