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1Plan of the Earl of Surreys' tenements on Pye Bank / Pitsmoor Road, [1783]arc04199

Plan of the Earl of Surreys' tenements on Pye Bank / Pitsmoor Road, [1783]

2Pond Street. With the adjoining fields held by Adam Broomhead, [1778]arc04202

Pond Street. With the adjoining fields held by Adam Broomhead, [1778]

3A plan of several gardens in Pond Lane held by sundry persons of the Duke of Norfolk, and a plan of the course of the pipe conveying water from the Bath through them to the White Lead Works, [1777]arc04203

A plan of several gardens in Pond Lane held by sundry persons of the Duke of Norfolk, and a plan of the course of the pipe conveying water from the Bath through them to the White Lead Works, [1777]

4A parcel of the Duke of Norfolks' land set out for John Waterhouse; with the addition of Benjamin Darwins' tenements surveyed for the Earl of Surrey, [1771, 1780]arc04204

A parcel of the Duke of Norfolks' land set out for John Waterhouse; with the addition of Benjamin Darwins' tenements surveyed for the Earl of Surrey, [1771, 1780]

5Gardens let to sundry persons by the Pond Forge Co., [Pond Street, 1783]arc04205

Gardens let to sundry persons by the Pond Forge Co., [Pond Street, 1783]

6A map of Hall Car Farm, Royds Mill Farm and sundry other contiguous lands of the Earl of Surrey, with alterations [Savile Street], [1779, 1781]arc04240

A map of Hall Car Farm, Royds Mill Farm and sundry other contiguous lands of the Earl of Surrey, with alterations [Savile Street], [1779, 1781]

7The Earl of Surrey's land, including land between Whitehouse Lane and the Dunn, [Shalesmoor], [1784]arc04243

The Earl of Surrey's land, including land between Whitehouse Lane and the Dunn, [Shalesmoor], [1784]

8Closes between the Moor and Broad Lane belonging to the Earl of Surreyarc04254

Closes between the Moor and Broad Lane belonging to the Earl of Surrey

9Allotments of the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Fitzwilliam, J. Wilkinson and Philip Gell, and others [The Moor], [1796]arc04255

Allotments of the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Fitzwilliam, J. Wilkinson and Philip Gell, and others [The Moor], [1796]

10Allotments made to J Wilkinson and P Gell, set out in lots; and other allotments between Cumberland Street and Hereford Street, [1798]arc04256

Allotments made to J Wilkinson and P Gell, set out in lots; and other allotments between Cumberland Street and Hereford Street, [1798]

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