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1Jackey Turner, a well known character in Chesterfieldarc06248

Jackey Turner, a well known character in Chesterfield

2Artists impression of M. and H. Armitage and Co., Mousehole Forge, River Rivelinarc06258

Artists impression of M. and H. Armitage and Co., Mousehole Forge, River Rivelin

3Thomas Holy's land between West Street and Carr Lane, [1830]arc04295

Thomas Holy's land between West Street and Carr Lane, [1830]

4St Mary's Church and Churchyard, Bramall Lane, [1829]arc04297

St Mary's Church and Churchyard, Bramall Lane, [1829]

5Proposed streets and building lots in the lands of J Hounsfield and Rowland Hodgson, [1816]arc04298

Proposed streets and building lots in the lands of J Hounsfield and Rowland Hodgson, [1816]

6Boundary and exchange between the lands of Rowland Hodgson and John Heppenstall [Infirmary Road], [1819]arc04299

Boundary and exchange between the lands of Rowland Hodgson and John Heppenstall [Infirmary Road], [1819]

7The Roscoe Place property, to which has been pasted a plan of premises in Hoyle Street, [1807], 1816arc04300

The Roscoe Place property, to which has been pasted a plan of premises in Hoyle Street, [1807], 1816

8A map of the freehold property at Roscoe Place belonging to Robert Jobson, 1828, with particulars added in 1830arc04301

A map of the freehold property at Roscoe Place belonging to Robert Jobson, 1828, with particulars added in 1830

9A survey and map of the Infirmary and land belonging to the Sheffield Infirmary Trustarc04302

A survey and map of the Infirmary and land belonging to the Sheffield Infirmary Trust

10Plan of the vacant land belonging to George Vickers situate at Philadelphia, set out for sale [Infirmary Road]arc04304

Plan of the vacant land belonging to George Vickers situate at Philadelphia, set out for sale [Infirmary Road]

Found 12857 records.

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