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1The land of Hugh Cheney set out for building, with the line of Regent Streetarc04292

The land of Hugh Cheney set out for building, with the line of Regent Street

2Plan of certain freehold premises in West Street late the property of Thomas Cliff but now of Ebenezer Hancock measured for salearc04293

Plan of certain freehold premises in West Street late the property of Thomas Cliff but now of Ebenezer Hancock measured for sale

3Land of Thomas Holy and others between West Street and Carr Lane set out for building, [1812 - 1818]arc04294

Land of Thomas Holy and others between West Street and Carr Lane set out for building, [1812 - 1818]

4Ordnance Survey (OS) Map of Sheffield and area [c. 1840-1844]arc06822

Ordnance Survey (OS) Map of Sheffield and area [c. 1840-1844]

5Plan of Orchard Lane (proposed extension to Holly Street)arc06808

Plan of Orchard Lane (proposed extension to Holly Street)

6Plan of proposed street widening at Bridge Street, Coulson Street and Snig Hillarc06809

Plan of proposed street widening at Bridge Street, Coulson Street and Snig Hill

7Plan of proposed extension of Eyre Street to Porter Street and also the proposed widening of Porter Bridgearc06810

Plan of proposed extension of Eyre Street to Porter Street and also the proposed widening of Porter Bridge

8Plan of proposed street improvements between Coal Pit Lane and Furnival Streetarc06811

Plan of proposed street improvements between Coal Pit Lane and Furnival Street

9Plan of proposed improvements at Gibralter Street [Gibraltar Street] and Bower Springarc06812

Plan of proposed improvements at Gibralter Street [Gibraltar Street] and Bower Spring

10Plan of proposed new street [Flat Street] between Old Haymarket and Pond Streetarc06813

Plan of proposed new street [Flat Street] between Old Haymarket and Pond Street

Found 12857 records.

Page of 1286.