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1Plan of the premises in the Market Place purchased by Charles Sheldon of James Daniels showing also other premises adjoining [1843]arc04161

Plan of the premises in the Market Place purchased by Charles Sheldon of James Daniels showing also other premises adjoining [1843]

2William Hoyle’s land between Meadow Street and St Philip’s Road, [1846]arc04163

William Hoyle’s land between Meadow Street and St Philip’s Road, [1846]

3Plan of George Vickers property in Meadow Street, Edward Street and Allen Streetarc04164

Plan of George Vickers property in Meadow Street, Edward Street and Allen Street

4Properties in Mill Sands and Nursery Street, [1806]arc04167

Properties in Mill Sands and Nursery Street, [1806]

5Moorfields. Plan of the ground between Green Lane and Gibraltararc04168

Moorfields. Plan of the ground between Green Lane and Gibraltar

6Norfolk Row. Land between Far Gate [Fargate] and Norfolk Street adjoining the Catholic Chapelarc04170

Norfolk Row. Land between Far Gate [Fargate] and Norfolk Street adjoining the Catholic Chapel

7Moorfields. Measures of Eyre and Hallam’s land, and other tenements, taken for T Holy, [1816-1817]arc04169

Moorfields. Measures of Eyre and Hallam’s land, and other tenements, taken for T Holy, [1816-1817]

8Property between Norfolk Street and Sycamore Street, occupied by Benjamin Damms, John Barber and George Dalton, [1828]arc04173

Property between Norfolk Street and Sycamore Street, occupied by Benjamin Damms, John Barber and George Dalton, [1828]

9Plan of certain premises situate between Norfolk Street and Sycamore Street late the property of Thomas Calverley, deceasedarc04174

Plan of certain premises situate between Norfolk Street and Sycamore Street late the property of Thomas Calverley, deceased

10Plan of premises in Norfolk Street the property of George Rodgers [?Joseph Rodgers and Sons]arc04175

Plan of premises in Norfolk Street the property of George Rodgers [?Joseph Rodgers and Sons]

Found 12857 records.

Page of 1286.