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1Plan for improving Snig Hill and Coulson Street [Colson Steet], [1830s]arc04249

Plan for improving Snig Hill and Coulson Street [Colson Steet], [1830s]

2Houses of John Frith and Joseph Frith at Snig Hill, with adjacent property wanted for street improvementarc04247

Houses of John Frith and Joseph Frith at Snig Hill, with adjacent property wanted for street improvement

3Land measured for Rowland Hodgson, with new streets laid out - Hermitage Street, George Street (now Boston Street) and George Lane, [1817]arc04153

Land measured for Rowland Hodgson, with new streets laid out - Hermitage Street, George Street (now Boston Street) and George Lane, [1817]

4London Road. Completed layout of the streets in Rowland Hodgson's land, [c. 1818]arc04154

London Road. Completed layout of the streets in Rowland Hodgson's land, [c. 1818]

5Bennett's Wheel and the land adjoining as divided into lots for sale, The Moor, [1819]arc04155

Bennett's Wheel and the land adjoining as divided into lots for sale, The Moor, [1819]

6Bennett's Wheel and premises adjoining agreed to be sold to Thomas Ellinarc04156

Bennett's Wheel and premises adjoining agreed to be sold to Thomas Ellin

7Plan of the land [Green Lane] purchased by John Eadon and others (Philip Law, William Nicholson, John Parkin, Joseph Fowler and Jonathan Roddis) of the Duke of Norfolk, [1806]arc04157

Plan of the land [Green Lane] purchased by John Eadon and others (Philip Law, William Nicholson, John Parkin, Joseph Fowler and Jonathan Roddis) of the Duke of Norfolk, [1806]

8Green Lane. Plan of part of the southern boundary of the Kelham Wheel Dam shewing the encroachment made thereon by John Yeadonarc04158

Green Lane. Plan of part of the southern boundary of the Kelham Wheel Dam shewing the encroachment made thereon by John Yeadon

9Alma Street. Plan of Kellam Cottage and land adjoining as divided into lots for salearc04159

Alma Street. Plan of Kellam Cottage and land adjoining as divided into lots for sale

10Map of premises in the Market Place purchased by Charles Sheldon of James Daniels showing also other premises adjoiningarc04160

Map of premises in the Market Place purchased by Charles Sheldon of James Daniels showing also other premises adjoining

Found 12857 records.

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