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1Sir Nathaniel Creswick (1831 - 1917), commanding officer Sheffield Artillery Volunteers, 1861-1897u13788

Sir Nathaniel Creswick (1831 - 1917), commanding officer Sheffield Artillery Volunteers, 1861-1897

2Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Loading up and despatchingy15254

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Loading up and despatching

3Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Buffer shopy15255

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Buffer shop

4Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Smith's shopy15256

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Smith's shop

5Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Mechanics shop from the South endy15257

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Mechanics shop from the South end

6Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Mechanics shop from the South Easty15258

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Mechanics shop from the South East

7Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Mechanics shop from the North endy15259

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Spring Department, Grimesthorpe Works. Mechanics shop from the North end

8Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd. Cast steel hydraulic cylinder for forging pressy15260

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd. Cast steel hydraulic cylinder for forging press

9Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd. Double throw steel crank shafts for City of Dublin Steam Packet Companyy15261

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd. Double throw steel crank shafts for City of Dublin Steam Packet Company

10Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd. Three throw steel crank shafts for S. S. Urmston Grangey15262

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd. Three throw steel crank shafts for S. S. Urmston Grange

Found 12857 records.

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