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1Low Stubbin Colliery, [Haugh, Rotherham]y14991

Low Stubbin Colliery, [Haugh, Rotherham]

2Turret Lodge at Sheffield Manor House, off Manor Laney14964

Turret Lodge at Sheffield Manor House, off Manor Lane

3Sheffield Parish Church (Cathedral), Church Streety14965

Sheffield Parish Church (Cathedral), Church Street

4St. Paul C. of E. Church, Pinstone Streety14966

St. Paul C. of E. Church, Pinstone Street

5St. Mark's C. of E. Church, Broomfield Road, Broomhilly14967

St. Mark's C. of E. Church, Broomfield Road, Broomhill

6Institute for the Blind, [Manchester Road]y14968

Institute for the Blind, [Manchester Road]

7Firth College, corner of West Street and Leopold Streety14969

Firth College, corner of West Street and Leopold Street

8The Pavilions, Botanical Gardens, Clarkehouse Road, Broomhally14970

The Pavilions, Botanical Gardens, Clarkehouse Road, Broomhall

9Industries of Sheffield - rolling armour platey14971

Industries of Sheffield - rolling armour plate

10Beauchief Abbey, off Abbey Laney14972

Beauchief Abbey, off Abbey Lane

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Page of 1221.