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1Inside the Millennium Dome with the screen showing 'Made in Sheffield - Live from Our Town Story' for the event celebrating 'Our Town Story't12937

Inside the Millennium Dome with the screen showing 'Made in Sheffield - Live from Our Town Story' for the event celebrating 'Our Town Story'

2Exhibition entitled 'Celebrating the creativity of young people in Sheffield' inside the Millennium Dome for the event celebrating 'Our Town Story't12938

Exhibition entitled 'Celebrating the creativity of young people in Sheffield' inside the Millennium Dome for the event celebrating 'Our Town Story'

3Exhibition entitled 'Celebrating the creativity of young people in Sheffield' inside the Millennium Dome for the event celebrating 'Our Town Story't12939

Exhibition entitled 'Celebrating the creativity of young people in Sheffield' inside the Millennium Dome for the event celebrating 'Our Town Story'

4Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Squaret12940

Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Square

5Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Squaret12941

Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Square

6Member of staff at the Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Squaret12942

Member of staff at the Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Square

7Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Squaret12943

Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Square

8Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Squaret12944

Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Square

9Member of staff at the Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Squaret12945

Member of staff at the Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Square

10Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Squaret12946

Visitor Information Centre, Nos. 67 - 69 Tudor Square

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