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1Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar, Sheffield for distribution with funeral biscuitsy15507

Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar, Sheffield for distribution with funeral biscuits

2Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar, Sheffield for distribution with funeral biscuitsy15508

Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar, Sheffield for distribution with funeral biscuits

3Sheffield Old Bank. Five pound notey15515

Sheffield Old Bank. Five pound note

4Sheffield Old Bank. Reverse of five pound notey15516

Sheffield Old Bank. Reverse of five pound note

5House, workshops, erected on the leasehold ground of Thomas Holy and William Newbould, [The Moor], [1790]arc04259

House, workshops, erected on the leasehold ground of Thomas Holy and William Newbould, [The Moor], [1790]

6Tenements of the Earl of Surrey and of the Twelve Capital Burgesses, and of the Burgesses and Commonality of Sheffield, between Bull Stake, the Shambles, Norfolk Street and Shude Hill, [1782]arc04071

Tenements of the Earl of Surrey and of the Twelve Capital Burgesses, and of the Burgesses and Commonality of Sheffield, between Bull Stake, the Shambles, Norfolk Street and Shude Hill, [1782]

7Campo Lane. Various properties of the Duke of Norfolk, and an exchange between the Duke and the Vicar of Sheffield, [1766 and 1790]arc04074

Campo Lane. Various properties of the Duke of Norfolk, and an exchange between the Duke and the Vicar of Sheffield, [1766 and 1790]

8Carver Street. Streets and building lots in the Back Fields, between the Moor and West Street, [1790]arc04076

Carver Street. Streets and building lots in the Back Fields, between the Moor and West Street, [1790]

9A plan of the tenements held of the Earl of Surrey by James Smith an his undertenants, [1780]arc04088

A plan of the tenements held of the Earl of Surrey by James Smith an his undertenants, [1780]

10Furnace Hill - Lots demised to the occupiers by the Duke of Norfolk, Samuel Shore, and Thomas Broadbentarc04110

Furnace Hill - Lots demised to the occupiers by the Duke of Norfolk, Samuel Shore, and Thomas Broadbent

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