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View: arc03991 Neepsend village, and lands belonging to the Earl of Surrey between Pye Bank Closes and Far Field, [1784]

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View: arc04078 Plan of the boundary of Jarvis Turner's leasehold premises adjoining on Castle Green

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View: arc06224 Men on picket line during industrial dispute at Keeton, Sons and Company Limited, [1986-1994]

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View: arc06227 Men on picket line during industrial dispute at Keeton, Sons and Company Limited, [1986-1994]

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View: arc06228 Men on picket line during industrial dispute at Keeton, Sons and Company Limited, [1986-1994]

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View: arc06229 Men on picket line during industrial dispute at Keeton, Sons and Company Limited, [1986-1994]

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View: arc06230 Loxley Independent Chapel: baptism entry of Henry Tingle Wilde, later Chief Officer on RMS Titanic

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View: arc06231 Loxley Independent Chapel: baptism entry of Henry Tingle Wilde, later Chief Officer on RMS Titanic

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