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View: arc03604 Freehold tenements belonging to Daniels of Stockport, [Hartshead], [1826]

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View: arc03605 Premises in the Harts Head [Hartshead] measured for James Holland

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View: arc03606 Scheme for an exchange of land between Dr Web and Thomas Gillott [Harvest Lane]

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View: arc03607 Exchange between Thomas Gillott and Dr Webb [Harvest Lane], [1808]

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View: arc03609 The part of Birley’s Charity land held by Joseph Coulstone, Woodisde Lane, [1799]

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View: arc03608 Sundry parcels of land sold by James Wheat to George Cooper [Harvest Lane], [1784-1787]

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View: arc03610 Particulars of the farm annexed to the house late the Swan now Norfolk’s Arms in the possession of Joseph Rowbotham junior, [1765]

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View: arc03611 A field at Harvest Lane measured for John Sheldon

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View: arc03612 John Cockayne’s tenements in Hawley Croft purchased of John Bowden

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View: arc03613 Plan of several lots in Hermitage Street, Little Sheffield, [1834]

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