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View: arc03560 A plan of the tenements held of the Earl of Surrey by Joseph Ward and James Turner, [1781]

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View: arc03561 Wall between Benjamin Rowley’s house and the tenement of Ebenezer and John Cutler, [1792]

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View: arc03562 Plan of the public house in Far Gate late the property of Thomas Bailey Watson afterwards of - Akeroyd now of - Cadman of Leeds and held by Robert Winter with the alterations made therein since 1807, [1829]

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View: arc03563 Plan of John Akeroyd’s purchase in Far Gate [Fargate], [1829]

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View: arc03565 Premises in Figtree Lane measured for John Brown, solicitor. The property of the late Joseph Ward

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View: arc03566 James Bowden’s allotment [In the part of Fitzwilliam Street formerly called Bright Street], [1790]

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View: arc03567 Barker's Pool. Outline of the property of Edward Creswick in Flint Well, [1773]

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View: arc03568 Plan of Golden Lion, Forge Lane agreed to be purchased by William Gregson Hinde, Thomas Marrian and Henry Bolsover of William Webster

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