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View: arc03849 W and G Fosters' premises in York Street advertised for sale

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View: arc03850 Tenements belonging to the Trustees for the Upper Chapel situate between Queen Street and West Bar, [1786]

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View: arc03851 Plan of John Beckett’s lot, [1839]

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View: arc03852 Endorsed, 'Plan of - Daniel’s property in the Market Place in Sheffield', showing the adjacent property of John Jones

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View: arc03853 Sketch of a piece of land late Walter Obornes and before him leased to Thomas Wright, [1839]

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View: arc03854 Plan of land belonging to the Burgesses demised to Hannah Hazlehurst Steer containing a messuage and yard

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View: arc03855 Land at the corner of Wellington Street taken by T Rawson and Co for building a new public house, [1842]

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View: arc03856 Henry Cutlers' close [Barnsley]

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View: arc03857 A close belonging to George Wood called the Ing and Pighill [Silkstone, Barnsley]

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View: arc03858 Fieldhead, near Silkstone. Several fields, part of the Fieldhead estate, [1799]

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