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View: arc03841 Two lots, probably Benjamin Beaver’s, [1831]

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View: arc03843 Plan of Samuel Wardlow’s lot near Roscoe Place taken of FW Everitt

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View: arc03842 Plan of Thomas Gray’s lot in William Street, part of the Roscoe Place premises, [1836]

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View: arc03844 Plan of Samuel Wardlow’s lot near Roscoe Place taken of FW Everit

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View: arc03845 Plan of lot taken by Samuel Wardlow and Charles Wardlow of Francis Wright Everett

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View: arc03846 Field near West Grove, measured and set out into gardens for Thomas Harrison

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View: arc03847 Plan of the land taken by James Dixon of Benjamin Withers for a Methodist Chapel

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View: arc03848 Plan of land near Portobello agreed to be leased by Benjamin Withers to Samuel Sharman and others

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