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View: arc03821 Premises backing onto West-Field Lane, adjoining Thomas Houldsworth’s premises, [1804]

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View: arc03822 Lot taken upon lease of Thomas Holy by Robert Hotham, [1804]

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View: arc03823 Brammall [sic] Lane measures taken in the new church yard, [1825-1833]

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View: arc03824 Plan of gardens at Little Sheffield measured for John Sheldon

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View: arc03825 [The Barracks, Infirmary Road, 1795]

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View: arc03826 Plan of William Walker’s lots taken of Rowland Hodgson

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View: arc03827 Plan of - Parvin’s lot taken of Francis Wright Everett

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View: arc03828 Boundary between G Hounsfield’s land and the Infirmary land, with a suggested straightening which was never carried out, [1793-1801]

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View: arc03829 Plan of a field of freehold land situate on Shales Moor the property of the Sheffield Infirmary

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View: arc03830 Two closes held by Samuel Marshall of the Duke of Norfolk [the site of St Philip’s Church], [1790]

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