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View: arc03812 A survey of sundry gardens let by William Richardson, [Watering Lane], [1797]

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View: arc03813 Lands held on lease of the Twelve Capital Burgesses by William Butler in Shaw Tongue, [Trinity Street], [1790]

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View: arc03814 Sketch of land taken from West Bar Green for street widening, [1820]

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View: arc03815 Sketch of the property shown on arc03816, before it was rebuilt around 1790 [West Bar]

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View: arc03816 Premises of Widow Kelk, Alexander Vause, and John Fanshawe, [1822]

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View: arc03817 A plan of two tenements occupied by Thomas Fox and John Brammall and held of the Earl of Surrey by George Greaves, [1781]

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View: arc03818 Boundaries of the land sold by Parker, Shore and Co to Thomas Gatley, [1828]

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View: arc03819 Plan of Westbrook and Sadler’s lot, [1827]

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