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View: arc03789 John Haywood’s lot, Ratten Row, [1794]

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View: arc03790 Plan of part of John Greaves lot [in Thomas Street] agreed to be assigned by him to Jonathan Marshall

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View: arc03791 Plan of a lot of land [in Thomas Street] agreed to be taken on lease from the executors of the late John Sheldon by William Crawford

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View: arc03792 Outline of premises between School Croft and Sims Croft

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View: arc03793 A block of property opposite the House of the Grammar School Master, held of the Town by John Slater, Whittington Sowter, Widow Grubb

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View: arc03794 Thomas Mottram’s premises in Townhead Street held of the Town Trustees measured for granting a new lease

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View: arc03795 Plan of John Wright’s lot in Townhead Street taken of the Town Trustees

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View: arc03796 Sketch of small properties, wanted for street improvement, [Trippet Lane], [1837]

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View: arc03797 Land, extending into the Red Croft, purchased by the Town Trustees of William Blackford and Edward Webster for street improvement

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View: arc03798 Land sold by Matthew Carnall to John Marsden [Tudor Street]

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