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View: arc03767 Plan of a lot of ground at Little Sheffield proposed to be purchased by Margaret Girdom of Goodwin and Co

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View: arc03768 Samuel Staniforth’s garden, [1773]

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View: arc03769 Lease between Henry Tudor and William Rushby

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View: arc03770 Ground on Little Sheffield Moor demised by the Marquis of Rockingham to T Holy and William Newbould, [1776]

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View: arc03771 S. Newbould’s premises on Little Sheffield Moor, and John Taylor’s house, [1787]

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View: arc03772 Plan of the chapel lot in Sheffield about to be taken of Earl Fitzwilliam, showing the effect which would be produced by the proposed alteration for the purpose of enlarging it

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View: arc03773 Plan of the Methodist New Connexion Chapel lot taken of Earl Fitzwilliam, [1828]

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View: arc03774 Reduced copy of a plan of some ground sold by F Furniss to William Howson

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View: arc03775 Rough plan for improvement,  [Moorhead], [1811]

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View: arc03776 Gardens in Spooner Croft, or Nursery Field, [1787]

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