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View: arc03621 Simon Andrew Younge’s tenements of the Earl of Surrey and purchased by him

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View: arc03622 Outline sketch of the Fitzalan Market

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View: arc03623 Outline of part of the Town’s tenements shown on FC/P/SheS/92s in Hollin Street

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View: arc03624 Plan of premises situate between Hollis Croft and White Croft agreed to be purchased of Anne and Elizabeth Harrison by Isaac Newton

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View: arc03625 John Cundell’s lot corner of Howard Street and Eyre Lane

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View: arc03626 Plan of certain premises in Howard Street the property of the trustees of the late John Greaves

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View: arc03627 Ground purchased of the Duke of Norfolk by Robert Cundell in Jehu Lane and Haymarket Lane

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View: arc03628 Sketch of the plots [in Jericho Street] of John Heathcote, Jonathan Lawton, and George Heathcote, in Samuel Gardner’s property, [1837]

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