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1R.A.F. barrage balloon on Crookesmoor Recreation Grounds03554

R.A.F. barrage balloon on Crookesmoor Recreation Ground

2Barrage balloon in Sheffield during World War IIs03555

Barrage balloon in Sheffield during World War II

3Watching R.A.F. barrage balloon on Crookesmoor Recreation Grounds03556

Watching R.A.F. barrage balloon on Crookesmoor Recreation Ground

4R.A.F. barrage balloon on Crookesmoor Recreation Ground during World War IIs03557

R.A.F. barrage balloon on Crookesmoor Recreation Ground during World War II

5Air raid trenches, Barbers Field, The Dale, Woodseatss03575

Air raid trenches, Barbers Field, The Dale, Woodseats

6Board coated with gas sensitized paints03583

Board coated with gas sensitized paint

7Sheffield Corporation Electric Dept., Anti gas trainings03630

Sheffield Corporation Electric Dept., Anti gas training

8Sheffield Corporation Electric Dept., Anti-Gas Trainings03631

Sheffield Corporation Electric Dept., Anti-Gas Training

9Sheffield Corporation Electric Dept., Anti-Gas Trainings03632

Sheffield Corporation Electric Dept., Anti-Gas Training

10Nos. 17, A.R.P. Recruiting Depot, 19, 21 and 23 Netherthorpe Place at the junction of Ellison Streets18247

Nos. 17, A.R.P. Recruiting Depot, 19, 21 and 23 Netherthorpe Place at the junction of Ellison Street

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