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1VE Day Celebrations at the Town Halls03607

VE Day Celebrations at the Town Hall

2VE Day Celebrations at the Town Halls03608

VE Day Celebrations at the Town Hall

3VE Day Celebrations in Town Hall Squares03609

VE Day Celebrations in Town Hall Square

4Telegraph and Star Offices, Kemsley House, High Street, decorated for VE Day Celebrationss03610

Telegraph and Star Offices, Kemsley House, High Street, decorated for VE Day Celebrations

5VE Day Celebrations at Cathedral SS Peter and Paul, Church Streets03611

VE Day Celebrations at Cathedral SS Peter and Paul, Church Street

6VE Day Celebrations on Oak Street, Heeleys03612

VE Day Celebrations on Oak Street, Heeley

7VE Day Celebrations, Penistone Roads03613

VE Day Celebrations, Penistone Road

8VE Day Celebrationss03614

VE Day Celebrations

9VE Day Celebrationss03615

VE Day Celebrations

10VE Day Celebrationss03616

VE Day Celebrations

Found 805 records.

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