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1VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pools03597

VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pool

2VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pools03598

VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pool

3VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pools03599

VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pool

4VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pools03600

VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pool

5VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pools03601

VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pool

6VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pools03602

VE Day Celebrations in Barkers' Pool

7VE Day Party in Palm Streets03603

VE Day Party in Palm Street

8VE Day Party in Palm Streets03604

VE Day Party in Palm Street

9VE Day Celebrations in Town Hall Squares03605

VE Day Celebrations in Town Hall Square

10VE Day Celebrations outside the Town Hall. Lord Mayor George Ernest Marlow, lefts03606

VE Day Celebrations outside the Town Hall. Lord Mayor George Ernest Marlow, left

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