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1Sandbags at Firth Park during World War IIs03572

Sandbags at Firth Park during World War II

2Workers with brooms and buckets, whose job it was to clean up after gas during World War IIs03573

Workers with brooms and buckets, whose job it was to clean up after gas during World War II

3Filling sandbags outside the Town Hall during World War IIs03574

Filling sandbags outside the Town Hall during World War II

4A.R.P. Messengers on parade past the Town Hall during World War IIs03576

A.R.P. Messengers on parade past the Town Hall during World War II

5Sandbags outside the Central Library, during World War II, looking towards Tudor Streets03577

Sandbags outside the Central Library, during World War II, looking towards Tudor Street

6The Lord Mayor, Alderman John Arthur Longden with members of the 5th Battalions03579

The Lord Mayor, Alderman John Arthur Longden with members of the 5th Battalion

7Boys at Newhall Council School bringing their first contribution of scrap metals03581

Boys at Newhall Council School bringing their first contribution of scrap metal

8Static water tank at Wadsley Bridge after drainings03582

Static water tank at Wadsley Bridge after draining

9Typhoon fighter pilots of 609 (West Riding) Squadron AAF at RAF Manstons03585

Typhoon fighter pilots of 609 (West Riding) Squadron AAF at RAF Manston

10Sheffield Newspapers Home Guard Unit take part in an exercise in the Rotherham areas03586

Sheffield Newspapers Home Guard Unit take part in an exercise in the Rotherham area

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