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1York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 West Riding Home Guards03541

York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 West Riding Home Guard

2York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 West Riding Home Guard, Whole Staffs03542

York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 West Riding Home Guard, Whole Staff

3York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 W. R. Home Guard, at Strensall Camp, Yorks03543

York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 W. R. Home Guard, at Strensall Camp, York

4York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 W.R. Home Guard,  H.Q. staff and C.O. of 69 Battalions03544

York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 W.R. Home Guard, H.Q. staff and C.O. of 69 Battalion

5York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 W. R. Home Guard, bombing and rifle officerss03545

York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 W. R. Home Guard, bombing and rifle officers

6York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 W. R. Home Guard, gun instructions03546

York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 W. R. Home Guard, gun instruction

7York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 W. R. Home Guards03547

York and Lancaster Regiment, 69 W. R. Home Guard

8H. Q. staff of Northern Command at Norbury Halls03548

H. Q. staff of Northern Command at Norbury Hall

9F' Company, 69th West Riding Home Guards03549

F' Company, 69th West Riding Home Guard

10York and Lancaster Regiment-Army Cadet Forces03550

York and Lancaster Regiment-Army Cadet Force

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