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1Air raid damage at Pond Hill Bridge, junction of Pond Hill and Sheaf Street. Sun Inn, junction of South Street and Gilbert Street, Park, in backgrounds01331

Air raid damage at Pond Hill Bridge, junction of Pond Hill and Sheaf Street. Sun Inn, junction of South Street and Gilbert Street, Park, in background

2Greenhill First Aid Post 26s02047

Greenhill First Aid Post 26

3Christmas shoppings02059

Christmas shopping

4Lifting a delayed action bomb dropped in Newcastle Streets02060

Lifting a delayed action bomb dropped in Newcastle Street

5Tea party, VE Day celebrations, Hoyland Street, Wincobanks02061

Tea party, VE Day celebrations, Hoyland Street, Wincobank

6VE Day Celebrations - Buttermere Roads02062

VE Day Celebrations - Buttermere Road

7Barrage balloon on Crookesmoor Recreation grounds02119

Barrage balloon on Crookesmoor Recreation ground

8Barrage balloon on Crookesmoor Recreation grounds02120

Barrage balloon on Crookesmoor Recreation ground

9Holidays at homes02298

Holidays at home

10Holidays at homes02299

Holidays at home

Found 805 records.

Page of 81.