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1Sheffield Information Committee / Ministry of Information Rigby's contribution to the Anti-Gossip Week, Sheffield Telegraphy12282

Sheffield Information Committee / Ministry of Information Rigby's contribution to the Anti-Gossip Week, Sheffield Telegraph

2V.J. Day Street Party, Crowland Roadm00060

V.J. Day Street Party, Crowland Road

3V.J. Day Street Party, Crowland Roadm00061

V.J. Day Street Party, Crowland Road

4Former premises of Montague Burton Ltd., tailors, Nos. 51 - 55 High Street/Market Place, showing air raid damages00873

Former premises of Montague Burton Ltd., tailors, Nos. 51 - 55 High Street/Market Place, showing air raid damage

5Bungalow on Church Lane, Dore, air raid damages01027

Bungalow on Church Lane, Dore, air raid damage

6Brightside and Carbrook Co-op Society, Nos 135-137, Scott Road after air raids01079

Brightside and Carbrook Co-op Society, Nos 135-137, Scott Road after air raid

7Scott Road after air raids01080

Scott Road after air raid

8Parson Cross, Kyle Crescent  after air raids01085

Parson Cross, Kyle Crescent after air raid

9Little London Road - Railway damage after air raids01087

Little London Road - Railway damage after air raid

10Little London Road - R.J.Stokes' paintworks, air raid damages01088

Little London Road - R.J.Stokes' paintworks, air raid damage

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