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1Dore War Memorial, Vicarage Lane / Savage Lanea00552

Dore War Memorial, Vicarage Lane / Savage Lane

2Dore War Memorial, Vicarage Lane / Savage Lanea00557

Dore War Memorial, Vicarage Lane / Savage Lane

3Gravestone of Saville Tasker (d. 1918), Dore graveyarda00563

Gravestone of Saville Tasker (d. 1918), Dore graveyard

4Norris Family Memorial, Sheffield General Cemeterya00578

Norris Family Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery

5Captain Gilbert Wilson Fitzroy Birch, Memorial, Sheffield General Cemeterya00580

Captain Gilbert Wilson Fitzroy Birch, Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery

6Sampson, Justice and Burrell Memorial, Sheffield General Cemeterya00583

Sampson, Justice and Burrell Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery

7Aunt Roberts Memorial, Sheffield General Cemeterya00585

Aunt Roberts Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery

8Ernest Shuttleworth Memorial, Sheffield General Cemeterya00587

Ernest Shuttleworth Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery

9Ernest Shuttleworth Memorial, Sheffield General Cemeterya00588

Ernest Shuttleworth Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery

10Forsdike Memorial, Sheffield General Cemeterya00589

Forsdike Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery

Found 4856 records.

Page of 486.