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1Ecole Lawrence, Bapaume, Francet03189

Ecole Lawrence, Bapaume, France

2Benjamin Canning Huntsman (1895 - 1917)u03487

Benjamin Canning Huntsman (1895 - 1917)

3World War One  Victory Cakeu06346

World War One Victory Cake

4Ernest Goddard, 1st World War soldiers08875

Ernest Goddard, 1st World War soldier

5World War One Memorial, St. Paul's Church, Pinstone Street. Removed to the Cathedral SS Peter and Paul. The bronze statue, signed Mathurian Moreau, depicting Abraham and Isaac, was stolen December 1997.u02768

World War One Memorial, St. Paul's Church, Pinstone Street. Removed to the Cathedral SS Peter and Paul. The bronze statue, signed Mathurian Moreau, depicting Abraham and Isaac, was stolen December 1997.

6Prisoners of War?, George Tweed Berry, first right on seatv01038

Prisoners of War?, George Tweed Berry, first right on seat

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