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1Workers at a Sheffield Military Hospitaly15122

Workers at a Sheffield Military Hospital

2Wharncliffe War Hospital, (former South Yorkshire Asylum also referred to as Wadsley Asylum later Middlewood Hospital) later Middlewood Hospital, main entranceu12556

Wharncliffe War Hospital, (former South Yorkshire Asylum also referred to as Wadsley Asylum later Middlewood Hospital) later Middlewood Hospital, main entrance

3Dining room, possibly Base Hospital (3rd Northern General Hospital) for wounded soldiers, Collegiate Crescentu12552

Dining room, possibly Base Hospital (3rd Northern General Hospital) for wounded soldiers, Collegiate Crescent

4Frederick Thomas Hemming (1897 - 1973) (right) and his brother Algernon Hemming (standing)u12571

Frederick Thomas Hemming (1897 - 1973) (right) and his brother Algernon Hemming (standing)

5Base Hospital (3rd Northern General Hospital) for wounded soldiers, Collegiate Crescentu12553

Base Hospital (3rd Northern General Hospital) for wounded soldiers, Collegiate Crescent

6World War I injured soldiers, possibly at the Fir Vale Hospital (latterly the City General Hospital and Northern General Hospital), Fir Valeh00711

World War I injured soldiers, possibly at the Fir Vale Hospital (latterly the City General Hospital and Northern General Hospital), Fir Vale

7La Mairie (the Town Hall), Puisteux, Pas-de-Calais, Francet14606

La Mairie (the Town Hall), Puisteux, Pas-de-Calais, France

8Unidentified group of First World War soldiers peeling potatoes - John Herbert Brown, far leftt14624

Unidentified group of First World War soldiers peeling potatoes - John Herbert Brown, far left

9War damage, Rond-Point de l'Octori, Faubourg Ronville, Arras, Francet14625

War damage, Rond-Point de l'Octori, Faubourg Ronville, Arras, France

10John Herbert Brown (1887 - ), [Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI)]t14662

John Herbert Brown (1887 - ), [Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI)]

Found 4856 records.

Page of 486.