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1Sheffield Smelting Company Limited employee on military service - possibly George Ullyat [Royal Army Medical Corps]arc06514

Sheffield Smelting Company Limited employee on military service - possibly George Ullyat [Royal Army Medical Corps]

2Sheffield Smelting Company Limited employee on military service - L. N. Readman, Royal Army Medical Corpsarc06515

Sheffield Smelting Company Limited employee on military service - L. N. Readman, Royal Army Medical Corps

3Sheffield Smelting Company Limited employee on military service - Fred Rapley, Royal Army Medical Corpsarc06516

Sheffield Smelting Company Limited employee on military service - Fred Rapley, Royal Army Medical Corps

4Commemorative shell used at the visit of His Majesty King George V to Hadfields Ltd., East Hecla Worksu11957

Commemorative shell used at the visit of His Majesty King George V to Hadfields Ltd., East Hecla Works

5Directors, managers and foremen, Hadfields National Ordnance Factory, 1916 - 1919 u11984

Directors, managers and foremen, Hadfields National Ordnance Factory, 1916 - 1919

6[Private] Ernest Duncumt13231

[Private] Ernest Duncum

7[Private] Ernest Duncumt13232

[Private] Ernest Duncum

8Ernest Duncum (seated left front row) in probable family groupt13233

Ernest Duncum (seated left front row) in probable family group

9Sapper Arthur McClarence, Royal Engineersv05089

Sapper Arthur McClarence, Royal Engineers

10Going Back to Duty and Danger. Some well known non-coms left the Sheffield Great Central Station yesterday on their return to the front. There were many friends present to see them off.v05090

Going Back to Duty and Danger. Some well known non-coms left the Sheffield Great Central Station yesterday on their return to the front. There were many friends present to see them off.

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