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1I'm writing you by the first post! from Sheffield, illustrated by F. G. Lewinp00681

I'm writing you by the first post! from Sheffield, illustrated by F. G. Lewin

2I'm recruiting my health at Sheffieldp00702

I'm recruiting my health at Sheffield

3I am thinking of you at Sheffieldp00710

I am thinking of you at Sheffield

4A call to arms at Sheffield p00717

A call to arms at Sheffield

5Shirle Hill, Sharrow, St Vincent's Home for Belgian refugeesp00836

Shirle Hill, Sharrow, St Vincent's Home for Belgian refugees

6Trimming the shrubs, Shirle Hill, Sharrow, St Vincent's Home for Belgian refugeesp00838

Trimming the shrubs, Shirle Hill, Sharrow, St Vincent's Home for Belgian refugees

7Tommy's little help for the Belgian Refugees Fund, Shirle Hill, Sharrow, St Vincent's Home for Belgian refugeesp00839

Tommy's little help for the Belgian Refugees Fund, Shirle Hill, Sharrow, St Vincent's Home for Belgian refugees

8Belgian guests, St Vincent's Home [for Belgian refugees], Shirle Hill, Sharrowp00840

Belgian guests, St Vincent's Home [for Belgian refugees], Shirle Hill, Sharrow

9Sheffield guests, Belgian refugees at Shirle Hill [St Vincent's Home for Belgian refugees]p00841

Sheffield guests, Belgian refugees at Shirle Hill [St Vincent's Home for Belgian refugees]

10Belgian refugees at St Vincent's Home, Shirle Hill, Sharrowp00842

Belgian refugees at St Vincent's Home, Shirle Hill, Sharrow

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